Sponsored by IBM eBook: Flexible Architecture Management--Good for Business, Easier than Ever
This custom eBook from DevX and IBM explains why choosing the correct architecture early in your development process is essential for success, both for your business and for you. Learn more about Flexible Architecture Management, Model-driven and Pattern-based Development Using Rational Software Architect and Open-source Architected Model-driven Development in the Real World.
eBook: Why You Need to Plan a Service Oriented Architecture
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is seen as the next evolutionary step in software architecture to help IT organisations meet their ever more complex set of challenges. According to IBM, the SOA market could top #7 billion by 2009. Learn the requirements for a service-oriented architecture, how to staff SOA for success and more.
Whitepaper: Meet the Challenge of SMB Storage
SMBs must meet service level requirements without the storage skills specialization and budget that enterprises can afford. To do this, SMBs need a solution that is simple, scalable, cost-effective, and well-serviced. With its DS3000 series of disk systems, IBM offers a reply to the challenge of SMB storage through programs, software, and hardware. Click here to download.»
"You gotta love it. Microsoft has decided that it will ho ahead and kill off easy access to XP on June 30th. On behalf of desktop Linux users everywhere, and our first cousins, the Mac fans, thanks. You've given us the best shot we'll ever have of taking the desktop.
"But it gets even better! Microsoft has also announced that it will be releasing Windows 7 on January 2010. They'll blow that ship date. Microsoft has never set a shipping date it could meet. But, who in their right mind would now buy Vista...?"